Almost for each of us there is a home, a place to which we return every day or after certain periods of time. In the complicated world of recent years, home has a much more sensitive meaning. It is also about the home of migrants, of those uprooted due to conflicts, natural tragedies, famines, earthquakes, floods, persecutions, or drastic economic disparities.
More and more often we talk about planet Earth as home, as a place we can leave to return to. Planetary limits are more and more evident today. Resources are finite, even if, amazingly, we discover others. Our home is increasingly crowded and polluted.
Some are thinking more on the possibilities of colonizing another habitable planet. A possible long-term solution. Traveling in space is feasible nowadays, even if in a low performant approach. The question is whether we will survive until we can be able to colonize the extraterrestrial space. In other words, if we will be able to slow down the dynamics of changes so that, in the end, we can support this migration.
Now, it is more useful to think about the power of the word at home. To this planet, to the place where we come from and which we should respect. Perhaps we can slow down the rate at which we consume existing resources and produce harmful emissions. Maybe we do not need a development concept so dependent on continuous economic growth and maybe we can put in place a concept based on more rationality and a reasonable comfort instead of an exacerbated one.
Home is a welcoming place, as long as we can help it to be. Our daily behavior is important. Our attitudes are supplying the cycle of intensive use of resources. Can we be wiser? Can we get out of the patterns stimulated by advertising and social behaviors?
How can we consume less, avoid waste, recycle more? Could we find a solution for the survival of our species? At home, without having to wander through the planets searching for a welcoming place?