Often in a very pragmatic modern society we are facing a very difficult question. What is the cost of implementing sustainability at the national, or global level? Estimates are affected by huge uncertainties, but, on the other hand, do such estimates make sense? During a crisis, do we do our calculations first and then intervene?
Nowadays we are talking more and more about smart cities and we are proud for the solutions we created to transform our cities of today into the smart cities of tomorrow. We are very determined to reduce the carbon footprint, to create more environmentally friendly approaches and technologies to support the health and comfort of
Almost for each of us there is a home, a place to which we return every day or after certain periods of time. In the complicated world of recent years, home has a much more sensitive meaning. It is also about the home of migrants, of those uprooted due to conflicts, natural tragedies, famines, earthquakes,
A year of war in Eastern Europe. I will not discuss the horrors. They were intensively discussed in the entire media. From the attacks on the civilian population, to the destruction of the utility supply infrastructure, to collective graves. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers killed, millions of citizens who lost all their possessions, more than
I am sitting here on the bank of the river, under the open sky, wide open and full of water from the rains of the last week. Until last month, I traveled around the world. By bus, by train, by ferry, by plane and even in a carriage pulled by 4 beautiful white horses. I
Europe has gone through an extremely difficult year. It started with the energy market crisis, continued with the conflict in Ukraine, and then with an increase in inflation exceeding 10% in many countries. All these, have created great concerns for the general public and produced a climate of instability. The economy and investors were shocked
November. Late at night I was flying home crossing the European Union from its western border to the eastern one. In the plane, the lights were reduced progressively to the minimum. Most of the passengers are sleeping. I imagine that in their cabin the pilots are almost asleep, and the plane is going on using
Today, society’s functioning is strongly dependent on the performance of the transport system. Our daily well-being cannot be thought otherwise. We move as fast as we can from home to work or school, on weekends to the places of entertainment, on vacations to the most desirable destinations. Sometimes it seems that the main purpose of
September. Back to school, after the wonderful holiday, fully of travel and gain of new experiences… All of us are hoping the school will not be disrupted by events like the pandemic in the last two school years. We are wanting to go in the classrooms, having group activities and many trips. Looking at the
We wait every summer for the wonderful vacations. For the travels, discoveries and relaxation period. Sometimes we are looking day by day in the calendar waiting and planning… In Europe, in the recent decades we have been traveling more and more. Our Earth has become a global village. We move quickly from one geographic point
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union and European Education and Culture Executive Agencies (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.