Nowadays, the climate change is a reality recognized by the most part of the global society, together with its potential to dramatically affect the future of the Earth.
Most of the people are aware on the climate changes. For some, such concerns can cause psychological impacts known as eco-anxiety. It may be characterized as fear for a future affected by global warming, extreme weather (heat waves and fires, cyclones and typhoons, earthquakes and tidal waves, etc.), increase of the pollution, accumulation of wastes including in the oceans, drastically reduction of the biodiversity, rising of the sea levels, exhausting of some resources including water shortages,
The eco-anxiety is described by psychologists as a “chronic fear of environmental cataclysm that comes from observing the seemingly irrevocable impact of climate change and the associated concern for one’s future and that of next generations”.
Beyond the diversity of perceptions and attitudes on climate change, it is obvious the society needs to act immediately and in a high coordinated manner. Each individual effort supporting climate actions is important, and any collective coordinated effort may produce meaningful impact especially by changing the daily behaviors affecting the environment and the fragile equilibrium of the planet.
The urgency of the climate actions is quite clear, but the implementation should follow a stepwise approach based on a better planning of the use of resources, stimulation of synergies between different measures and actors, and considering the long-term impact of the actions.