On May 11, during the ECF4CLIM 4th Project Meeting (Lisbon 2023), a World Café exercise was dedicated to the “Roadmap for promoting sustainability competences in education“ developed by crowdsourcing with the demonstration sites (schools and universities form Finland, Portugal, Romania, and Spain). The event brought together the entire project team (partners, associated partners, Advisory Board members) and it was an excellent opportunity to highlight various perspectives on education for sustainability.
The World Café was structured in the topics: (1) development of a European Competence Framework, (2) collective competences for sustainability, (3) individual competences for sustainability, (4) environmental performance of the pilot schools.
Heterogeneous groups were created in advance to stimulate the communication between the schools from different countries. Each World Café slot of time was started with a presentation of the main elements of the topics resulted from the project work and summarized on a poster. A final session presented the conclusions of each topic. A report will be prepared and published soon.