A series of courses and workshop developed at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona were implemented as ECF4CLIM a sustainable intervention A set of activities, grouped as Eco-social Crisis Course, were developed at UAB () as part of the ECF4CLIM participatory process. The course approached different topics related to the climate crisis and its consequences. Professors form UAB,
SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND SUSTAINABILITY: ECF4CLIM promoted the implementation of sustainable interventions in schools, fostering changes towards sustainability for students, teachers, staff and citizens During this fair, students, teachers and researchers met to share projects, through the exhibition in information stands. The University of Seville has taken advantage of this event of general interest to present
ECF4CLIM General Assembly & Steering Committee 6th Meeting in Bucharest, 9-10 May 2024, with a focus on the demonstrative interventions in schools and universities. With participation of researchers from the partners, teachers and professors from the associated partners, schools and universities from Finland, Portugal, Spain, and Romania. With a real exchange of perspectives, experiences, and
Some identified interventions as valuable for the improvement of the sustainability performances and of the education for sustainability were already implemented in our demonstration sites, schools and universities from Finland, Portugal, Romania, and Spain. Other interventions are in-progress, and some in preparation to be ready for starting at the beginning of the next academic year.
On 2024 January 12, at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, a working day with secondary school students was organized to stimulate the interest in developing critical thinking, systemic thinking, and forward-thinking through the development of research projects. Two different project lines have been proposed to support the development of competencies for sustainability: ECF4CLIM: Sustainable
University of Seville presented the paper “Use of methodology for the development of competencies in sustainability and carbon footprint reduction in schools” approaching the work with the demonstration sites and the developed tools to improve the sustainability performances. Attendees agreed the developed user-friendly interface is a key step to support the use of the tools
The objectives and current progress of ECF4CLIM project was presented in the Section “Citizen science- Empowering and skilling citizens to become drivers towards a climate neutral and sustainable Europe through citizen science”. The section reflected also the clustering activity of projects: AURORA, I-CHANGE, PSLifestyle, SOCIO-BEE, COMPAIR, GreenSCENT and ECF4CLIM. Link to the recording of the
The 21st edition of the Seville Science Fair has successfully promoted scientific dissemination and innovation. With a strong focus on sustainability and the development of scientific competencies for young people. During this fair, students, teachers, and researchers came together to share projects, conferences, and talks, allowing the attendees to explore various scientific topics. The talk
May 12, an excellent day for an intense exchange of experiences and perspectives, involving the partners of the ECF4CLIM project and the teachers representing the associated schools and universities. Climbing the mountain as a symbol of the efforts we invest in creating higher performances in education for sustainability. Discussing and following creative exercises in pairs
On May 11, during the ECF4CLIM 4th Project Meeting (Lisbon 2023), a World Café exercise was dedicated to the “Roadmap for promoting sustainability competences in education“ developed by crowdsourcing with the demonstration sites (schools and universities form Finland, Portugal, Romania, and Spain). The event brought together the entire project team (partners, associated partners, Advisory Board
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union and European Education and Culture Executive Agencies (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.