A series of courses and workshop developed at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona were implemented as ECF4CLIM a sustainable intervention
A set of activities, grouped as Eco-social Crisis Course, were developed at UAB () as part of the ECF4CLIM participatory process. The course approached different topics related to the climate crisis and its consequences. Professors form UAB, researchers and activists working outside university offices were involved in the preparing the activities, dealing with complexity requires juxtaposition of perspectives and methodologies, and challenges of a transversal course.
From February to May, more than forty students attended one or more conferences and workshops. The students co-designed and worked on 5 small activities oriented to the understanding of the “eco-social crisis” concept. The activities concluded with the estimation of waste and consumption, investigating the food habits, questioning the traceability of foods inside university’s canteens, discussing the data from air quality sensors installed in UAB campus.
The closing session was held the 21th of May in an outdoor area of the campus that, before 2021, was part of university’s parking. It was quite symbolic to hold it there. In line with the idea of bringing symbolic elements to reflect upon the meaningfulness of the course, a dry toilet where we hung some posters was installed.